Monday 9 January 2012


Chaos is overruling my life at the moment. It's kind of bringing the whole 'Hello I am chaos, I'm going to make your life as chaotic as is possible' to a whole other level. First of all the mess I keep putting myself into, puts itself into a new mess.. to such an extent that my mind can't keep up. The song 'Turn Me On' by David Guetta makes me want to dance my chaos away. But I can't.. because chaos likes staying, it's very dependable. Since it needs me to organize the chaos so it can create new chaos, because once you're chaos... you can't keep making new chaos out of chaos. So.

But yeah this roommate is leaving. My room is temporary. I want to move into her permanent room. To achieve this I have to arrange a get together with new potential room-owners of my room. Choose someone. Arrange a contract for that person. Oh yeah.. and arrange my own contract for my own new room. Bluh. Hello stress. Oh and I forgot.. I have three exams and a paper this month. That's all. No stress. Zennnnnn..n..n....n . . . ...


I'm turning 20 this Thursday, can't. wait.

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